:white_check_mark: | array-bracket-spacing | array-bracket-spacing | enforce consistent spacing inside array brackets |
:white_check_mark: | block-spacing | block-spacing | disallow or enforce spaces inside of single line blocks |
:white_check_mark: | brace-style | brace-style | enforce one true brace style |
:ballot_box_with_check: | camelcase | variable-name | require camel case names |
:x: | comma-spacing | comma-spacing | enforce spacing before and after comma |
:x: | comma-style | comma-style | enforce one true comma style |
:x: | computed-property-spacing | computed-property-spacing | require or disallow padding inside computed properties |
:x: | consistent-this | consistent-this | enforce consistent naming when capturing the current execution context |
:ballot_box_with_check: | eol-last | eofline | enforce newline at the end of file, with no multiple empty lines |
:white_check_mark: | func-call-spacing | ter-func-call-spacing | require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their invocations |
:x: | func-names | func-names | require function expressions to have a name |
:x: | func-style | func-style | enforce use of function declarations or expressions |
:x: | id-blacklist | id-blacklist | disallow certain identifiers to prevent them being used |
:x: | id-length | id-length | this option enforces minimum and maximum identifier lengths (variable names, property names etc.) |
:x: | id-match | id-match | require identifiers to match the provided regular expression |
:white_check_mark: | indent | ter-indent | enforce consistent indentation |
:x: | jsx-quotes | jsx-quotes | specify whether double or single quotes should be used in JSX attributes |
:x: | key-spacing | key-spacing | enforce spacing between keys and values in object literal properties Tslint's whitespace can partially be used |
:x: | keyword-spacing | keyword-spacing | enforce spacing before and after keywords Tslint's whitespace can partially be used |
:ballot_box_with_check: | linebreak-style | linebreak-style | disallow mixed 'LF' and 'CRLF' as linebreaks |
:x: | lines-around-comment | lines-around-comment | enforce empty lines around comments |
:x: | max-depth | max-depth | specify the maximum depth that blocks can be nested |
:white_check_mark: | max-len | ter-max-len | enforce a maximum line length |
:ballot_box_with_check: | max-lines | max-file-line-count | enforce a maximum number of lines per file |
:x: | max-nested-callbacks | max-nested-callbacks | specify the maximum depth callbacks can be nested |
:x: | max-params | max-params | specify the number of parameters that can be used in the function declaration |
:x: | max-statements | max-statements | specify the maximum number of statement allowed in a function |
:x: | max-statements-per-line | max-statements-per-line | specify the maximum number of statements allowed per line |
:no_entry_sign: | new-cap | Not applicable | require a capital letter for constructors |
:ballot_box_with_check: | new-parens | new-parens | disallow the omission of parentheses when invoking a constructor with no arguments |
:x: | newline-after-var | newline-after-var | require or disallow an empty newline after variable declarations |
:x: | newline-before-return | newline-before-return | require newline before return statement |
:x: | newline-per-chained-call | newline-per-chained-call | enforce newline after each call when chaining the calls |
:x: | no-array-constructor | no-array-constructor | disallow use of the Array constructor |
:ballot_box_with_check: | no-bitwise | no-bitwise | disallows bitwise operators |
:x: | no-continue | no-continue | disallow use of the continue statement |
:x: | no-inline-comments | no-inline-comments | disallow comments inline after code |
:x: | no-lonely-if | no-lonely-if | disallow if as the only statement in an else block |
:ballot_box_with_check: | no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs | indent | disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation (recommended) |
:ballot_box_with_check: | no-multiple-empty-lines | no-consecutive-blank-lines | disallow multiple empty lines |
:x: | no-negated-condition | no-negated-condition | disallow negated conditions |
:x: | no-nested-ternary | no-nested-ternary | disallow nested ternary expressions |
:x: | no-new-object | no-new-object | disallow the use of the Object constructor |
:x: | no-restricted-syntax | no-restricted-syntax | disallow use of certain syntax in code |
:x: | no-spaced-func | no-spaced-func | disallow space between function identifier and application |
:x: | no-ternary | no-ternary | disallow the use of ternary operators |
:ballot_box_with_check: | no-trailing-spaces | no-trailing-whitespace | disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines |
:x: | no-underscore-dangle | no-underscore-dangle | disallow dangling underscores in identifiers |
:x: | no-unneeded-ternary | no-unneeded-ternary | disallow the use of ternary operators when a simpler alternative exists |
:x: | no-whitespace-before-property | no-whitespace-before-property | disallow whitespace before properties |
:white_check_mark: | object-curly-spacing | object-curly-spacing | require or disallow padding inside curly braces |
:ballot_box_with_check: | one-var | one-variable-per-declaration | require or disallow one variable declaration per function |
:x: | one-var-declaration-per-line | one-var-declaration-per-line | require or disallow a newline around variable declarations |
:x: | operator-assignment | operator-assignment | require assignment operator shorthand where possible or prohibit it entirely |
:x: | operator-linebreak | operator-linebreak | enforce operators to be placed before or after line breaks |
:x: | padded-blocks | padded-blocks | enforce padding within blocks |
:ballot_box_with_check: | quote-props | object-literal-key-quotes | require quotes around object literal property names |
:ballot_box_with_check: | quotes | quotemark | specify whether backticks, double or single quotes should be used |
:x: | require-jsdoc | require-jsdoc | Require JSDoc comment |
:ballot_box_with_check: | semi | semicolon | require or disallow use of semicolons instead of ASI |
:x: | semi-spacing | semi-spacing | enforce spacing before and after semicolons |
:white_check_mark: | sort-imports | sort-imports | enforce sorting import declarations within module |
:x: | sort-vars | sort-vars | sort variables within the same declaration block |
:x: | space-before-blocks | space-before-blocks | require or disallow a space before blocks |
:x: | space-before-function-paren | space-before-function-paren | require or disallow a space before function opening parenthesis |
:white_check_mark: | space-in-parens | space-in-parens | require or disallow spaces inside parentheses |
:x: | space-infix-ops | space-infix-ops | require spaces around operators Tslint's whitespace can partially be used |
:x: | space-unary-ops | space-unary-ops | require or disallow spaces before/after unary operators |
:ballot_box_with_check: | spaced-comment | comment-format | require or disallow a space immediately following the // or /* in a comment |
:x: | wrap-regex | wrap-regex | require regex literals to be wrapped in parentheses |